Dax, price action

Will the major resistance hold? What is Claus looking for on the daily? Claus also takes us through the trading range price action we got on Friday, and how to ...

Dax, price action

This week we had some changes in context. Important resistance was broke. In this weeks price action analysis Claus takes a look at the cup with handle pattern and the ...

Dax, price action

This week Claus takes us through how to trail stops in trends. He also show how to spot the spike and channel pattern. Further more the daily chart gets a ...

Dax, Price action

Todays price action snacks are open trend context, 100% expansions and the daily chart in the DAX. Claus also talks about how he got to little out of a trade on ...

Dax, Price action

This weeks Price Action Snacks is a talk about the recent trading range, the 15 min chart and how Claus read the open context to get a clue as to how ...

Dax, price action

This weeks DAX snacks are a happy trade Claus took last week, a look at the outlook on the daily charts and a study-method that Claus likes and uses. Especially ...

Dax, Price action

Day-trading the DAX is not easy. In this video Claus talks about a trade this week were he missed out on big win. He also dives into context in the ...

Dax, Price action

The DAX had a couple of rough weeks. In this analysis Claus takes a look at the price action in a top down analysis of the DAX. Claus makes a ...

Dax, Price action

Latest DAX SNACKS is a talk about breakout pullback patterns. How they look, fail and succeed. Also context and expectations are covered in this weeks video Se vår liste ...

Dax, Price action

New format, we hope it is just as useful but does not put you to sleep. Claus goes over last weeks context, patterns and a really good trade. Enjoy. Se ...

Dax, Price action

What to think about the Trump Tweet drop on Thursday. The patterns and price action in the DAX are playing out nicely, despite of the Trump tweet. We are seeing ...

Dax, Price action

In this weeks video Claus take us through some of the most profitable setups in the DAX this week. He also goes over the open strategy and how it failed ...

Dax, Price action

This week Claus takes a look at the DAX price action on a daily chart. He walks over a reversal pattern that failed, and how to get into a trend ...

Dax, Price action

DAX Price Action still makes major higher highs and lows. This pull back is different. In this video Claus explains how he sees it, and what to expect. Also a ...

My first video in English

In this video I explain which setup I prefer. Some of you have requested my videos in English and if there is interest, then I would like to make several ...

Dax, Price action

This week we get a more detailed walk over how Claus does his Price Actino homework. How he goes over the day after it’s over. Also he shows where ...

Dax, Price action

By Claus Andersen 04. Juli 2019 15 min chart: This week (26) we saw a classic reversal pattern. And with the recent weeks patterns we were looking to get another test up. Going in ...

Dax, Price action

This week Claus takes a makes a backtest on this weeks open setups. Further he analyses the recent context and what context to avoid trading. We hope to on the ...

Dax, Price action

The bull spike from last week gave us something to think about. The follow through that was likely never came in full. Now the market left us in a range ...

Dax, price action

Context change, trades and more. What are we looking for in the price action. Expectations go both ways. Are you looking for the DAX to rally or drop next week? ...

Dax, price action

“What classic pattern could have gotten you short in the beginning of the week? How did the open strategy do this week? What does Claus expect in the coming week? ...

Dax, Price action

What classic pattern could have gotten you short in the beginning of the week? How did the open strategy do this week? What does Claus expect in the coming week? ...

Dax, Price action

Today we take a look at a setup that failed in week 20 but was profitable last week. It shows to tell, that setups are not 100%. Sometimes they work other times ...

Dax, Price action

Claus takes us through recent context in the DAX. How he lost on some trades last week and reflects upon that

Dax, Price action

Open trades and context on the DAX. A quick word from spreadmarkets that has overnight fixed spreads. That is nice when holding swings or runners over night. If you want ...

Dax, Price action

Making money trading the first bar in the DAX. Recent and expected context in the DAX. This and more in a technical analysis of the DAX. By our technical analyst ...

DAX, Price Action

By Claus Andersen 29. April 2019 Price is coming out of the trending trading range context and moving into a more permanent range. How long it will stay like this is unsure. ...

Dax, Price action

How to trade the open in the DAX. Price action trading made easy with trading the open. Is context still making it easy to trade? Market context, open trades and ...

Dax, Price action

Was this week a reversal week, a trend week or something entirely different? Learn how profitable traders read the markets and what to look for. Also an analysis of this ...

DAX, Price Action

By Claus Andersen 17. April 2019 15 min. Chart Price has changed from bear to range to bull trend. Now price is in a bull channel. The context on this 15 min chart is ...

Dax, Price action

Was this week a reversal week, a trend week or something entirely different? Learn how profitable traders read the markets and what to look for. Also an analysis of this ...

Dax Price action

By Claus Andersen 9. April 2019 15 min. chart. Se vår liste over de beste handelsplattformene for daytrading her Last week was a bull trend week. Price rallied to above 12.000. It has ...

Dax, Price action

“I did not run my profits long enough” – “The open strategy had a bad week.” This and more in this weeks video from our analyst Claus Andersen. Have a nice ...

Dax, Price action

Major bull trap under way? How low can it go? Claus talks us through his expectations for next week’s trading. Further by request he goes over the open setups ...

DAX, Price Action

By Claus Andersen 15. March 2019 15 min. chart A lot going on in this 15 min chart. During exhaustion in the final day of last week price broke above the prior high, and ...

Dax, Price action

This week Brexit has caused a bit of volatility in the market. Still price action does not care about that, but it does bring better moves for price action day-traders. ...

DAX, Price Action

By Claus Andersen 12. March 2019 15 min chart: Week 9 was a bear week. Market opened near the high of the week and closed near the low. In at trend week like that, ...

Dax, Price action

DAX is trading very efficiently right now. Stops are getting hit and only few good moves. In this context trade it like a trading range. Claus is on point with ...

DAX, Price Action

By Claus Andersen 4. March 2019 15 min. chart. Price is still moving in the larger bull channel. It did fail to reach the bull channel line. That often leads to a break ...

DAX, Price Action

By Claus Andersen 24. February 2019 15 min chart: Friday last week price made a bull spike. This week price then moved into a bull channel in the upper half of the major ...

Dax, Price action

This week price action played out as one could expect. Claus gives us a couple tricks to how you can use the open and close of the DAX in your ...

DAX, Price Action

By Claus Andersen 24. February 2019 15 min chart: 15 min. Friday last week price made a bull spike. This week price then moved into a bull channel in the upper half of the ...

DAX, Price Action

By Claus Andersen 18. February 2019 The DAX has changed direction. It looks like a bull entry bar on the monthly chart. Can’t really use that no these charts. Weekly had ...

Dax Price action

Did you spot the reversal pattern from early this week? Claus mentions it in this video. Also his expectations to next weeks trading. After the rally on friday has the ...

Price action, Dax

Time for another analysis. This week Claus takes us through how he sees a trend day unfold. Hold on to your hats, that trenday was a crazy one. This is ...

Dax price action

DAX in a breakout to the upside? In this video Claus takes a look at breakouts in general and zooms out to see what is going on in the higher ...

DAX, Price Action

This week the open setup worked really good. We take a look at the support and resistance from the article on monday. Market context is sideways right now. Sell high ...

top down analysis

Red months in the DAX…. How low could it go? Claus Andersen takes a top down look on where the DAX might bounce. Se vår liste over de beste ...

4 metoder for å fastsette stop-loss

Her er enda en artikkel vedrørende bruk av stop-loss i daytrading. I artikkelen 5 gode grunner til stop-loss gjennomgikk vi hvorfor det er viktig å alltid bruke stop-loss. Vi anbefaler deg å ...

Paul Tudor Jones dokumentar

Trader er en sjelden dokumentar om daytrading helt tilbake fra 1987 og handler om den legendariske traderen Paul Tudor Jones. Dette er en svært underholdende dokumentar som alle daytradere bø...

Mind over Money dokumentar

Mind over Money er en av de beste dokumentarene jeg har sett vedrørende investeringspsykologi. I dokumentaren, Mind over Money, gjennomgås en rekke psykologiske aspekter, som alle bidrar til å ...

Webinar – Støtte og motstand

Vi har nå holdt et vellykket webinar om støtte og motstandsnivåer. Takk til alle dere som deltok, vi setter stor pris på alle spørsmål som kommer ...

LLHC/HHLC En viktig candlestick

I min trading, bruker jeg alltid flere tidsrammer i min analyse av markedet. Jeg bruker den ukentlige og daglige grafen til å bestemme den generelle retningen (hvis det er en), og ...

Bruk av flere tidsrammer i daytrading

I denne artikkelen vil jeg berøre et emne som mange tradere først blir kjent med ganske så sent i læringsprosessen, men som ofte kan bidra til en ...

En ekstra vinkling på Top-Down analyse

Denne artikkelen er skrevet av gjestskrivent Mads Brandt. I denne artikkelen vil du finne en video som beskriver min variant av Hans-Henrik Top-Down analyse. Se vår liste over de ...

Eliminering av feil, dårlige vaner og optimalisering av resultat

Vi ønsker å takke alle som deltok på vårt webinar vedrørende resultatoptimalisering. Vi håper du hadde nytte av det og at du har begynt å bruke noen av verktø...

Daytrading med Hans-Henriks 5/1-metode

I denne artikkelen vil jeg beskrive en metode som jeg har hatt svært stor suksess med, og som jeg kontinuerlig jobber med for å forbedre og finpusse. Jeg har tidligere ...

SpreadMarket Webinar

Nå kan vi glede oss over å ha holdt et vellykket webinar om handelsplattformen SpreadMarket. Vi vil gjerne takke de mer enn 100 tilmeldte for deres deltakelse og innspill. Se vår ...

Algoritmehandel – daytrading på millisekunder

Ordet algoritmehandel, også kalt algo-trading i dagligtale, har i økende grad begynt å bli et vanlig begrep blant daytradere og er et tema som ofte blir debattert. Algoritmehandel er definert som ...

ADX indikatoren – Daytrading på trender

Mange daytradere opplever at det er noenlunde enkelt å tjene penger i et marked som beveger seg jevnt i en retning (enten opp eller ned), og hvis du lærer å benytte ...

Daytrading med volum

En viktig faktor – som ikke må glemmes i Trading – er volum. Volum er et annet ord for omsetning, og her snakker vi om antallet aksjer, kontrakter osv på et marked. ...

Glidende gjennomsnitt

Daytrading med glidende gjennomsnitt Noe av det første en daytrader møter på jakten etter indikatorer i sin tekniske analyse, er begrepet glidende gjennomsnitt. Men dessverre oppfatter altfor mange ...

RSI indikatoren – Når snur markedet?

Når man beveger seg inn i jungelen av tekniske indikatorer, så er det en indikator som nesten alltid dukker opp som en av de første. Det er RSI ...


Daytrading med MACD-indikatoren Uansett om man trader lynraskt på en 1-minuttsgraf eller om man handler på dagsgrafer, er det viktig å vite om trenden er sterk, og i hvilken retning den ...